About I M SHE
Modern Modest Clothing
I M SHE is a ladies clothing store specializing in modest dresses, skirts and tops for the modern stylish women. Our goal is provide simple timeless pieces that reflect the inner beauty of the woman that wears them.
The inspiration for our name can only be credited to our Heavenly Father who in His perfect timing not only led us to the perfect little spot to open this store but also divinely led us to the name of our business. During a middle of the night inspiration this name was born. I M SHE stands for Strong Honored Esteemed, these words are from the passage of Proverbs 31 talking about the worth of a Godly woman. The name I M SHE is a tribute to my late sister Marilyn who passed way in February of 2017. Marilyn was a true Proverbs 31 woman, she was Strong, she was Honored, and she was very Esteemed! Everyone who knew her was impacted by her and inspired to try to be more like her. In our store there are and will always be small glimpses of Marilyn in decor pieces as well as in the inspiration for new styles that we bring into the store.
One of the goals in our store is to encourage women to be all that God has created us to be and that we are all beautiful just the way we are because God has made us each exactly the way He meant us to be. In todays age where there is so much emphasis on "perfect beauty" we often lose sight of the fact that we are all beautiful in our own way.
On June 25, 2019 when I M SHE opened the doors for business a 7 year dream became a reality. As the owner of this business I stand amazed and am so incredibly blessed to see the goodness of God and often have to step back and watch in amazement as He leads and directs our lives in such beautiful ways.
My God richly bless you,
Barb Geigley, I M SHE